514-562-5058, RBQ# 2463-8140-57

RBQ# 2463-8140-57


Doors are a vital component of the home, which you should take excellent care of if you want to get the most out of your doors. They not only help keep your home safe, but they also enhance both the interior and exterior decor of your home.

As such, cleanliness and proper maintenance is imperative to make them clean and presentable to help enhance the curb appeal of your home now and for many years to come.  With that being said, here is a look at what it takes to maintain and care for your exterior doors in Montreal and West Island-:

Regular Cleaning

The first step towards taking care of your front doors in the West Island and Montreal is to ensure regular cleaning on both the inside and outside of the door. Depending on the door type and where you live, doors may be susceptible to dirt, which if not removed in good time could end up ruining the looks of the door. When this is allowed to go on for a long time, painting may be necessary to restore the door.

Cleaning the exterior doors should not be difficult or take a lot of time. Irrespective of the door type, you can just take a solution of soap and warm water, then use a lint-free cloth or sponge to rub down the door gently on both sides.  With this approach, you will remove any dirt or dust that may be present on the door without leaving scratches.

Routine inspection

Routine inspection is necessary when you want to notice potential problems with the door before they become serious issues. In fact, this is something you can do as you go about the regular cleaning, and simply check if there is any damage on the door or if any of the components such as the hinges are not working properly. This way you will not be caught off-guard in case of significant damage, which will help you plan the restoration in good time.  During your routine inspections, here are some of the things you should be watching out for-:

  • The presence of moisture in the wooden frames or between the glass panels. In case of any moisture damage, the frame should be replaced as soon as possible before the damage extends to the other parts of the door.
  • Presence of cracks, fading or damages to the finish. These are relatively minor damages, but ones which can damage the looks of the door. The best way to deal with them is to apply another finish to the door.
  • Cracks and discoloration due to weather stripping. Over time, weather stripping is likely to experience cracks and discoloration. Replace as soon as your notice this occurring.
  • Check out for missing pieces, gaps and tears and ensure that everything is replaced.

Periodic lubrication is an important care and maintenance habit for you exterior doors in Montreal and the West Island.  Don’t wait until you hear sounds from the door’s moving parts to start applying lubricant to the tracks, rollers, and hinges.

When considering lubrication for your exterior door, you should be advised that not every lubricant will do, since the wrong choice of the lubricant may potentially damage the door. It would be a good idea to consul a door expert on the right type of lubrication you need to use to avoid damaging your door.

Apply a fresh layer of paint, stain or finish

If you have a wooden door, it is expected that over time, the paint, finish or stain will wear out and leave the door looking old, tired and a sore to the eyes. But you can still breathe back life in to doors by applying a new layer of paint, stain or finish to make it look as good as new.

Shop for a new door in Montreal

Knowing when to replace your exterior door in Montreal and the West Island is also part of the care and maintenance.  If it reaches a point where it doesn’t make sense to continue cleaning or painting the door because it is visibly old, the best option may be to go out and shop for a new and more versatile exterior door.

Work with an expert when replacing your exterior doors

Cleaning, inspecting and regular care for your door may not need an expert eye or hand, but when it comes to choosing a new door, you will definitely need to work with an expert in the field. It is possible that you may require a specific type of exterior door, but an expert will help you choose the right one that will fit your home, complementing both the interior and the exterior décor of the home. Additionally, you need a qualified door expert to do the installation in a professional way.