Wooden doors are very beautiful and exceedingly functional when they are installed correctly. However, there are certain types which are prone to the elements of weather, which may present a challenge in closing.
Here is a brief look at some of the reasons why your wooden doors in the West Islands may sometimes refuse to close properly:
When the Wood is Swollen
The wood may swell due to changes in humidity, especially when it is used in external areas with too much exposure to the environment. The door will absorb moisture from the air and expand, thus getting bigger than the frame it was designed to fit in. Consequently, closing the door becomes a problem. The best solution to this is to choose high quality wooden doors and to polish or pain proof the door against moisture.
Loose Hinges
Loose hinges may also cause your wooden doors in the West Islands to not close properly. The hinges may be loose due to poor installation or due to continued use over time. This is rather a simple problem with a simple solution, since all you need to do is tighten the hinges so that they can hold the door tightly onto the frame.
Faulty Door Frame
Any problem with the door frame will have an impact in the opening or closing of the door, so this is another area to check if your door is not closing properly. Since the door frame is also made of wood, it may absorb moisture and expand just like the wooden door. Cracks or splits on the frame may also cause the door to not close properly. The solution to this problem is to always choose quality door frames and check them from time to time so that there are no cracks forming on it. Additionally, when you pain proof the door, also remember to pain proof the door frame as well.